
Do I have to have a lot of money and good credit in order to become an entrepreneur?

If the answer is no, what are some ways that can get a business started? I am currently a student working from pay check to pay check. I always wanted to have my own business, and at the moment I would like to start soon, and begin making some money. It would be nice especially after graduation when I have to start paying off school loans.

I want to be an entrepreneur?

I am very interested on being an entrepreneur. But I have a major problem. I do not have money nor good credit. Are there any programs, grants, etc. I could check out. I really do not want to die in debt nor keep working for paycheck to paycheck. I would like to get an income to pay my bills and grow in wealth. Thanks

How does an entrepreneur get product/protoype to market?

I’ve developed prototypes and played with ideas but how do I move from prototype to production. Is there any books or resources that explain the process. Most resources I’ve found are too general.