
what are the prerequisites to be an entrepreneur?

is it heriditary ,can an common man aquire it?

What might we call a small-scale social entrepreneur?

A buzz word in the field of development is social entrepreneur. From the definitions I’ve looked up, this term generally refers to a dynamic individual who introduces a large-scale idea to the world that will help transform society. But what of the leaders within small communities around the world, that think of small ideas, which changes the lives of their neighbors and makes their corner of the world better with negligible support from the outside. I’m trying to think of a catchy title for a proposal that is meant to empower such individuals in Cambodia.

I’m 15 years old and want to talk to a big entrepreneur about a product idea?

I’m 15 years old and want to talk to a big entrepreneur about a product idea?

l live in the UK, England and would like to contact someone about my product idea preferably someone big i.e. Alan Sugar etc

Does anyone know how to do this?