I have a debate next week.the topic is politicians have contributed more to the society than entrepreneur?

i am proposing this topic so please give me ur points based on malaysian politician…

2 Responses to I have a debate next week.the topic is politicians have contributed more to the society than entrepreneur?

  1. TBDDF says:

    Both can provide jobs equally well however in Asian countries, the entrepreneur does not or will not always offer the wages a government/politician can offer. I’ll cite Singapore as an excellent example of government controlled business doing well for the average worker.

  2. Michael S says:

    TBDDF great answer…but remember the cost of the Singapore miracle…a severe curtailment of individual liberty.

    Read “Politics and Markets” by Charles Lindblom (or just skim it). All societies need things done, including the production and distribution of goods and services. Lindblom explores the tradeoffs between government and private enterprise in doing these things.