Why does everyone want to be an entrepreneur?

what do you guys think

4 Responses to Why does everyone want to be an entrepreneur?

  1. Spock (rhp) says:

    because they don’t know how much hard work it is and think they want to be free of the boss.

    entrepreneur = salesman in chief [and frequently the only one]

    for about 85% of the population, that ought to end the idea right there.

  2. Call me Batman says:

    Humans are inherently greedy.

  3. TAT says:

    I wish you were correct. Some people don’t want to be anything. Some people want to taken care of by the govt and the successful entrepreneurs.

  4. kevin h says:

    With the slew of commercials and ads popping up about make money fast and easy, people think it is just sign your name to a website and bam, you’re a millionaire. As the first answerer said, they don’t understand that it actually takes a lot of really hard work, long hours, and surviving the first year or two to really get going. It’s not easy. It’s not fast, and it certainly isn’t just signing up for a website.