Yeah – I’m an entrepreneur and have a great concept! Do You Think So?

The senior population is growing immensely. If you had aging parents that needed daily or occasional assistance and offering a list of services – what would you add to our list to be of help to your aging parents or a loved one? I have a lot of, I think, Great Ideas – I need some real unique services that parents of Sr. parents or seniors would like for the company to have available. Yahoo Answer Please!

3 Responses to Yeah – I’m an entrepreneur and have a great concept! Do You Think So?

  1. Steve C says:

    Believe it or not, I have found that seniors really love playing computer games, once someone shows them how. You can’t get them to quit!

  2. curious1223 says:

    Like everything else on America, it depends on the price. A lot of people may be willing to pay for basic care, but not for field trips or social gatherings. Some ideas that are a fairly easy sell to moderate and high income seniors are meal preparations, transportation, and caregiver respite services (i.e. you sit with the aging parent while the normal caregiver/child takes a break). A lot of people will also pay for classes, be it jewelry making or water aerobics.

  3. Sharing Mind says:

    i think the best way is to go to any off line agency that provides that kind of services and ask question or do a survey. those people know better and wants help whenever they can so they definitely would give so much excellent feedback.